Clare Hughes Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society Annual Scientific Conference 2024

Clare Hughes

Clare Hughes is the Manager of the Nutrition Unit at Cancer Council NSW and chairs the Cancer Council Australia Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee. She leads a team of dietitians and nutritionists responsible for nutrition and alcohol-related cancer prevention projects. These include the Healthy Lunch Box website, strategic research into food labelling and food marketing to children, and advocacy to reduce cancers associated with increased bodyweight, alcohol, unhealthy eating and physical inactivity. Prior to joining Cancer Council, Clare spent eight years as the Senior Food Policy Officer at Australia’s consumer organisation CHOICE. She was responsible for ensuring the interests of consumers were considered during food policy processes. During this time, she led CHOICE’s policy and advocacy projects on obesity, food labelling, food marketing, genetic modification and food safety. Clare has more than 17 years’ experience representing both public health and consumer interests on the nutrition and food policy issues such as the NHMRC Dietary Guidelines Working Committee and the Health Star Ratings Technical Working Group. Clare has a Bachelor of Science (Nutrition), Master of Public Health and a Graduate Certificate in Public Policy.

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